Composition of basic operators#


Opening (french: ouverture) consists of an erosion followed by a dilation. The erosion removes small objects but also decreases the size of bigger objects. To avoid this, the result is dilated with the same structuring element.

\[ I \circ E = (I \ominus E_c) \oplus E_c \]

Fig. 70 Example of an opening on a small image \(I\) by the structuring element \(E_c\) (with the origin \(c\) is at the centre and represented by the blue dot).#


  • Opening is an idempotent operation, that is to say, applying twice the same opening gives the same result as only one opening:

    \[ (I \circ E) \circ E = I \circ E \]


Contrary to opening, closing (french: fermeture) is firstly a dilation, then an erosion. Indeed, expansion closes holes but enlarges objects. To avoid the widening of the objects, an erosion can be applied with the same structuring element.

\[ I \bullet E = (I \oplus E) \ominus E \]

Fig. 71 Example of closing on a small image \(I\) by the structuring element \(E_c\) (with the origin \(c\) is at the centre and represented by the blue dot).#


  • Similarly to opening, closing is an idempotent operation:

    \[ (I \bullet E) \bullet E = I \bullet E \]

Hit-or-miss transform#

The hit-or-miss transform (french: transformée tout-ou-rien) is used to detect objects of a particular shape. It is the intersection of the two sets given by:

  • the erosion by a first structuring element \(E_1\): \(I \ominus E_1\),

  • and the erosion of the background by a second structuring element \(E_2\): \(I^\mathrm{c} \ominus E_2\)

with \(E_1 \cap E_2 = \varnothing\) (the structuring elements must be disjointed).

The hit-or-miss transform by the two structuring elements \(E_1\) and \(E_2\) is noted \(I \otimes (E_1, E_2)\):

\[\begin{split} I \otimes (E_1, E_2) &= (I \ominus E_1) \cap (I^\mathrm{c} \ominus E_2) \\ &= (I \ominus E_1) \cap (I \oplus E_2)^\mathrm{c} \end{split}\]

Fig. 72 Example of a hit-or-miss transform applied on the image \(I\) by the structuring elements \(E_1\) and \(E_2\). The origins of the structuring elements are marked by the blue and green dots.#

Sometimes, the two structuring elements are combined into a single structuring element whose pixels have the following values:

  • \(1\): pixels that belong to the object to detect,

  • \(-1\): pixels that do not belong to the object to detect (i.e pixels of the background),

  • \(0\): unused pixels (also called “don’t care pixels”).

With this notation, the structuring element of the hit-or-miss transform in Fig. 72 writes

\[\begin{split} (E_1, E_2) = \begin{pmatrix} -1 & -1 & -1 & -1 \\ -1 & 1 & 1 & -1 \\ -1 & -1 & -1 & -1 \end{pmatrix} \end{split}\]